• 30 Jan 2024
ABLE Staff Writers

Hollywood Village: Uniting Community for a Beautiful, Clean and Safe Hollywood

Volunteers, local businesses, and law enforcement collaborate for a cleaner, safer Hollywood.

Hollywood Village volunteers, a part of The Way to Happiness Los Angeles, work together with local businesses and law enforcement agencies to make Hollywood a beautiful, clean and safe place for the community. Hollywood Village volunteers routinely participate in monthly beautification and clean-up projects, working to make an aesthetic environment for all.

This community coalition, representing diverse backgrounds and beliefs, has been dedicated to maintaining Hollywood’s beauty, safety, and cleanliness for years. Their monthly cleanups are a tradition, spurred by a desire to improve the neighborhood.

During these monthly events, volunteers distribute copies of The Way to Happiness, a common sense guide to better living written in 1981 by author L. Ron Hubbard. This booklet, known for its universal values and holding a Guinness World Record as the most translated nonreligious work by a single author, aims to uplift moral and cultural standards. Its message of hope and the possibility of a new beginning resonate with many in the community.

As part of beautification efforts, volunteers not only participate in clean-ups but also work together to create and paint murals in Hollywood neighborhoods. The efforts of the Hollywood Village team personify the precepts “Set a Good Example” and “Safeguard and Improve Your Environment” from The Way to Happiness booklet.

To find out how you can get involved and keep up with the latest news from Hollywood Village follow them on Facebook.

ABLE Staff Writer

The ABLE editorial team is a diverse group dedicated to sharing news about social betterment and forwarding ABLE’s mission of a world free of drugs, crime, illiteracy, and immorality.

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