• 10 Sep 2024
ABLE Staff Writers

Artists for a Better World Uplifts Los Angeles with The Way to Happiness

Los Angeles is on the verge of a moral revival.
Photo by Amber Maher

Los Angeles is on the verge of a moral revival, and Artists for a Better World International (AFABW) is leading the way! The dynamic LA-based non-profit is creating a buzz by distributing The Way to Happiness, a common sense guide to better living. Authored by renowned humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard, this powerful booklet offers an easy-to-follow roadmap for anyone looking to improve their life and positively impact the world around them.

According to AFABW’s President, Barbara C., the response to the custom-printed covers of The Way to Happiness has been nothing short of amazing, and the impact has been undeniable. After distributing thousands of The Way to Happiness booklets across the city, it's easy to spot people from all walks of life taking time to read the book.

“A musician was playing on the grass near beach. So we asked him to come over and play at 3rd and Santa Monica streets at our station. He uplifted the space and more people took the book. The guy was thankful for the chance to play and for the book and acknowledged the importance of the arts to the culture.” — Barbara C., President, AFABW

The positive impact goes beyond initial interest. Kameron H., an AFABW volunteer, described his experience as "incredible" and "exactly what we need right now." He encountered overwhelmingly positive reactions, with people thanking him and acknowledging the importance of the initiative.

The Athena School running student

“Thank you for what you are doing! Wow! This is so great! This is exactly what we need right now! The reaction of the people was so positive.”

“‘Thank you for what you are doing!’ ‘Wow! This is so great! This is exactly what we need right now!’ The reaction of the people was so positive.”

“Doing the The Way to Happiness distribution on Sunday was an INCREDIBLE experience!!! It was SO extroverting to get The Way to Happiness into society and put out some positive energy into society!

“It is EXACTLY what is needed today with what is going on and I am SO happy to have done it! So many people were incredibly thankful for what we were doing…” — Kameron H., Volunteer

The Athena School running student

AFABW’s creativity extends beyond distribution. They’ve incorporated The Way to Happiness into their artistic endeavors, as evidenced by the videos on their website. By combining art with moral principles, AFABW is fostering a more positive and unified Los Angeles.

Across Los Angeles, the group's impact can be seen. Harmony Farms in Tujunga saw customers lining up to take booklets, with over 300 distributed, and musicians on the Santa Monica Promenade embraced the message as a mailing campaign of 1,200 reached artists in Los Feliz.

The Way to Happiness distribution isn’t just about handing out booklets; it's about creating a ripple effect of positivity. AFABW exemplifies this approach, using art and community engagement to spread a message of common decency and happiness. Their dedication is inspiring, and their impact on Los Angeles is undeniable.

To learn more about Artists for a Better World International and their initiatives, visit their website: https://www.artistsforabetterworld.art

ABLE Staff Writer

The ABLE editorial team is a diverse group dedicated to sharing news about social betterment and forwarding ABLE’s mission of a world free of drugs, crime, illiteracy, and immorality.

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